中外花生活对比 Comparison of Chinese and foreign flower life( 二 )

花时间品味生活中的点点滴滴的快乐 。
Take time to savor the little pleasures in life.
我认为,你必须每天都去大学,而这儿离大学很远,如果你住在这儿,车费将花去你生活费的大部分 。
In my opinion, you have to go to the university every day, and the fare would cost you most of your living expenses if you live here far away from the university.
艾美奖喜剧类最佳男主角花落《生活大爆炸》男主角吉姆帕森 。
The Emmy award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series went to Jim Parsons for The Big Bang Theory.
开花是高等植物个体发育过程的中心环节,花发育直接影响着有花植物的生活史 。
The flowering of higher plants is the central process in the development of the individual plant. The history of the higher plants is affected by flowering development directly.
他们大多过着一种有钱却没处花的自给自足的生活 。
So they live self-sufficient life with money but have no idea how to spend it.
没有人花时间去享受生活 。
No one ever takes the time to enjoy things anymore.
花十分钟想想生活中所有顺当的事,想想别人对你的所有帮助,想想所有让你心怀感恩的事情 。
Take ten minutes to think about all the things in your life that are going right, about all the things that other people do to help you, about all the things that you’re thankful for.
个人反思意味着我为自己花时间来确保生活是按照我想要的方式运行的 。如不是,想想怎样才能达到我的目标 。
Personal reflection means that I take time for myself, make sure my life is where I want it to be, and if it isn’t, to think about how I can get it to where I need it to be.

中外花生活对比 Comparison of Chinese and foreign flower life

这就是真正的瞬时消费主义:你放弃了昂贵的物质商品,把钱花在你的生活上 。
That’s true transumerism: You divest yourself of costly material goods and put your money where your life is.
餐厅有露台座位:是一个由主人用一堵黄色的围墙围起来的空间,这堵墙上画着大宗食品的壁画,这样就像找到了花一般的新生活一样 。
The restaurant has patio seating: a space enclosed by yellow walls where the owners have hung painted bulk-food cans that have found new lives as flower pots.
我觉得把钱花在鼓励健康生活习惯预防疾病比花在治疗疾病上要好 。
I think it is justified to spend public money on encouraging healthy lifestyle habits to prevent illness rather than ending it on the treatment of illnesses.
剪枝长春花(C型生活史型)由于受严重的剪枝胁迫集全部能量供无性繁殖,故三种内源激素含量都高 。
Three endogenous hormones were all very high in pruning stress condition ( C form), because under the heavy pruning stress all energy supports to clone reproduction.
因此,我懂得珍惜所有的节日期间,我花了我的大学生活 。
Thus, I learned to value all the festivals I spent during my university life.
请购厅堂盆景花,美化你的生活 。
Please Buy potted landscapes, which can Beautify your life.
