We followed her outside to help mend the rose fence.
我们跟着她走出门,帮着修补那个蔷薇围栏 。
Also known as Rosa multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora , deciduous shrubs and climbing.
蔷薇又名多花蔷薇,野蔷薇,为落叶攀缘性灌木 。
She comes here every Sunday to smell the white double violets, the musk rose , the matted pink gillyflowers.
她每星期天都来这儿亲近白色紫罗兰、麝香野蔷薇、粉色桂竹香 。
This year the 15th ultra strong typhoon “wild rose” threatening, approaches gradually to the Fujian and Zhejiang coast area.
今年第15号超强台风“蔷薇”来势汹汹,逐渐向闽浙沿海一带逼近 。
But students did not have the red rose.
可是学生并没有红蔷薇 。
hybrid tea crossed with a polyantha rose.
这源于和多花蔷薇杂交的混合茶 。
This may rose is the most famous perfume rose here, but also visit perfume road travellers scramble to visit one of the flower field.
这种5月蔷薇是这里最著名的香水玫瑰,也是探访香水之路的旅行者们争相拜访的花田之一 。
The rose is the rose family fallen leaf bush plant, colored purple red, smell fragrant.
玫瑰花系蔷薇科落叶灌木植物,花紫红色,气味芳香 。
American Beauty n. A type of rose bearing large, long-stemmed purplish-red flowers.
月月红,美国红蔷薇一种玫瑰,生有长茎的紫红色大花 。
The native dog rose (Rosa canina) of our hedgerows is a single rose.
我们篱笆旁的犬蔷薇(狗牙蔷薇)就是单玫瑰 。
In me the tiger sniffs the rose. Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble, Since there your elements assemble.
我心里有猛虎,在细嗅着蔷薇,审视我的心灵吧,亲爱的朋友,你应战栗,因为那里才是你本来的面目 。
Look from botanical angle, apricot belongs to rose division, should be 5 valve flower.
从植物学角度看,杏属蔷薇科,应是五瓣花 。
roses derived from a tea-scented Chinese rose with pink or yellow flowers.
从中国的具有茶香味的香蔷薇遗传下来的蔷薇杂交种,开粉红色或黄色的花 。
this is you , who have been as slippery as an eel this last month , and as thorny as a briar – rose.
上个月你就像鳗鱼一样滑溜,像野蔷薇一样多刺,什么地方手指一碰就挨了刺 。
It is easy to grow and likes full sun but will tolerate partial shade and does not suffer from many of the common rose problems.
它栽培容易,喜欢阳光充沛,却也能忍受局部遮阴,而且对许多蔷薇属的常见病害免疫 。
As the fragrance from the petals of Chinese rose?
The woman took the rose, she kissed Ostap and she slowly rode away.
女人拿了蔷薇,吻了奥斯塔普,骑着马慢慢地走了 。
Rose scent, happy to make life rain simple regression.
清香的蔷薇雨让生活重新快乐,回归简单 。
Ingredients: Rock Rose extract.
主要成分:岩蔷薇提取物 。
Chnia rose is a woody plant belongs to rosebush category which originated from China.
月季是蔷薇科蔷薇属木本植物,原产中国 。
It’s made of rose quartz. (vu99.com)
是祥南(蔷薇石英) 。
Botanists refer this flower to the rose family.
植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科 。
Flower petal 5, the tip micro concave, the wild wild rose is a single-lobe, also has the double petals cultivated variety.
花瓣5枚,先端微凹,野生蔷薇为单瓣,也有重瓣栽培品种 。
And mid-Mayseldest childThecoming musk-rose full of dewy wine The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves .
还有五与中旬的首出,这啜满了露酒的麝香蔷薇,夏夜蝇子嗡嗡的出没其中 。
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- 情人节怎样送花才能讨女朋友的欢心?
- 醉蝶花的功效与作用
- 蔷薇花的功效和作用以及用途和价值