精选推荐 对朋友的圣诞节祝福语英文怎么说( 三 )

2. 鐘聲響了,是快樂在召喚;雪花飄了,是吉祥在著陸;鈴鐺響了,是馴鹿在奔跑;聖誕到了,是朋友在祝福 。祝你聖誕快樂,幸福樂翻天!Bell rang, is a happy summon; Snow falls, is auspicious in the land; The bell rang, is the reindeer run in; Christmas arrived, is a friend in the blessing 。Wish you a merry Christmas and happy happy!
3. 聖誕夜裡雪花飄,聖誕樹上結吉祥,聖誕老人送禮物,聖誕襪中裝快樂,聖誕祝福送不停,聖誕節裡如意伴,好運連連總安康,聖誕快樂!Christmas Eve snow falls, auspicious Christmas tree, Santa Claus gift, install happy Christmas stockings, Christmas greetings to send, Christmas is satisfied with, good luck always ankang, merry Christmas!
4. 平安是福,平淡是真,正值平安夜時分;夜色朦朧,月色浪漫,又有鐘聲不斷 。良辰好吉日,溫馨送祝福:祝願朋友一生健康快樂平安 。Peace is a blessing, really is flat, the Christmas Eve was; The night is dim, the moonlight romantic, and there was a bell 。Very good day, sweet to send blessing: I wish friends happy and healthy life and peace 。
5. 傳說,聖誕節這天,你手握雞蛋,對著天空許願,你的願望就會實現,我默默的許了一個願望,要你幸福 。很靈的哦!你也快來許一個吧!祝你聖誕快樂!Legend, Christmas day, you hand eggs, wishing on a sky, your wish will come true, I silently made a wish, want you to be happy 。Very spirit! You also quick to make a! Wish you a merry Christmas!
6. 有個消息要緊急提醒你,你最近要特彆小心!有三個人正打聽你的住址,要上門找你;不過我幫你查到了他們是誰,他們是幸福 。Have a message to emergency remind you that you can't be too careful in recent! There are three people are inquiring about your address, door to door looking for you; But I help you check in who they are, they are happy 。
7. 把心意折成美麗的蝴蝶,今夜就停落在你的枕邊,當明天你醒來的那一瞬間,它將平安、快樂和幸福全都留在你今後的每一天,祝平安夜快樂平安!Put heart into a beautiful butterfly, stop falls on your pillow tonight, when the moment you wake up tomorrow, it will all peace, joy and happiness in your future every day, I wish a happy Christmas Eve peace!
8. 聖誕佳節恭喜你,發個短信祝福你,成功的事業屬於你,開心的笑容常伴你,健康長壽想著你,最後還要通知你,財神爺爺也要拜訪你哦 。Christmas congratulate you, send a SMS bless you, successful career belongs to you, always happy smile, a long and healthy life thinking of you, finally, to inform you that the god of wealth grandpa also want to visit you 。
9. 有一個美麗的傳說,聖誕老人送快樂,節日收到短信息,快樂不再離開你,前提不過有一個,付出要比收獲多,轉發越多越快樂,聖誕節日不寂寞 。Has a beautiful legend, Santa Claus send happiness, festival received a short message, happy to leave you no longer, but there is a premise, pay more than the harvest, forward more is happy, not lonely Christmas festival 。
10. 幸運的聖誕樹閃耀甜蜜的燈火,璀璨的聖誕果飄蕩愛戀的味道,愛人的柔情大餐擺上桌,孩子的親昵酒杯已舉起,你就是最幸福的人 。聖誕節快樂 。Lucky sweet lamp, the Christmas tree shining bright Christmas fruit wanders the taste of love, lover tenderness meal is placed on the table, the child's intimate glass has been raised, you are the happiest people 。Merry Christmas 。
11. 平安夜到了,我手捧一輪彎月,頭頂兩束煙花,身戴四個鹿鈴,手棒九朵玫瑰,腳踏聖誕雪橇,以箭般的速度來到你麵前,祝你聖誕快樂,平安夜吉祥!On Christmas Eve, I hand a meniscus, two beams overhead fireworks, wearing the deer's bell, four rods of nine roses, hand foot Santa sleigh, shot speed to arrive in front of you, wish you a merry Christmas, Christmas Eve, good luck!
