deprived,如何通过大学四、六级考试?( 三 )

33、国强民也富,国破家也亡 。
The country is strong, the people are rich, and the country is broken.
34、工人没有祖国 。绝不能剥夺他们所没有的东西 。
Workers have no motherland. They must not be deprived of what they do not have.
35、为国捐躯,虽死犹荣 。
It is a glorious death to die for our country.
36、宁死不做亡国奴 。
Better die than die as a slave.
37、为了抉择真理,为了国家民族,我要回国去 。
In order to decide the truth and the nation, I will go back to my country.
38、葵花向太阳,翻身全靠党 。
Sunflower turns to the sun, turning over depends entirely on the Party.
39、为中华崛起而读书 。
Reading for the rise of China.
40、国乱国亡,国亡家亡 。
The country is in chaos and the country is in ruin.
