negotiate的意思用法总结( 二 )

这些动词均含“协商、商量”之意 。consult多指向权威或有识之士请教或咨询 。negotiate正式用词,指双方通过争论或讨论最后达成协议等;也指通过商议从而解决问题 。confer正式用词,强调对观点或意见的交换 。
Negotiate extras and be creative.
谈谈薪资之外的事,有点创意 。
The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.
He is sending Prince Orlov to negotiate.
他派奥尔洛夫王子去会谈 。
Negotiate how your departure will be described.
商议如何描写你的离职 。
My company has assigned me to negotiate business with you.
我公司派我来跟贵公司商谈有关事务 。
You might be able to negotiate a higher payment.
这样你可以拿到更高的报酬 。
Believe that you can negotiate in this economy.
相信在这个经济环境下你是可以协商的 。
We sat down to negotiate the terms of our contract.
我们坐了下来,就合约上的条件进行协商 。
The government will not negotiate with the terrorists.
政府决不与恐怖.分子谈判 。
They are trying to negotiate the withdrawal of 20,000 troops.
他们正打算协商有关两万人的部队的撤军问题 。

