money是啥意思? money的意思用法总结( 二 )

11.She's crazy to lend him the money.她把钱借给他, 真糊涂 。
12.His creditors were hounding him for money.债主们逼着找他要钱 。
13.Her mother docked her of pocket money.她妈减少了她的零用钱 。
14.He exculpate himself from stealing the money.他自行辩白没有偷钱 。
15.This is a fabulous sum of money.这是一笔巨款 。
16.The Foundation gives money to help artists.那家基金会捐款帮助艺术家 。
17.True friendship is worth more than money.真正的友谊比金钱更有价值 。
18.Money is the god of the bosses.老板们崇拜的就是金钱 。
19.We were handicapped by lack of money.我们因缺钱而吃亏 。
20.We have to harry him for money.我们不得不常常缠着他要钱 。

