14.Genghis Khan’s armies destroyed everything in their path.成吉思汗的军队所过之处都被烧杀抢掠光了 。
15.The old tramp shambled wearily up the path.这个年老的流浪汉疲惫不堪, 蹒跚地走上了小路 。
16.The path bristled with thorns.See Synonyms at teem 1这条小径布满荆棘参见 teem 1
17.Stan was away, cleaving a path through the traffic.斯坦在车流间开路走了 。
18.The mountain path descended precipitously to a small valley.这条山间小道急转直下通到一个小山谷 。
19.He tooled the jeep skillfully along the jungle path.他沿着林中小路熟练地驾驶吉普车行进 。
20.The path to the house is lined with bushes.通向那所房子的小径长满了灌木丛 。
【path的用法及短语 path的用法总结】
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