gre备考小技巧 GRE备考要重视心理战( 二 )

【gre备考小技巧 GRE备考要重视心理战】3.积极的心理暗示
考生要树立必胜的信心 , 多对自己说“我一定能行” , “我一定会考好” , “我一定会超常发挥!” 。多用这些积极的心理暗示鼓励自己 , 时间长了就会形成思维习惯 。
一旦发现自己心里出现胆怯的苗头 , 马上要转移注意力 , 可以跟身边的同学朋友聊一些轻松的话题 , 如果是在候考室 , 可以在脑子里回想口语段子 , 作文模板等 。另外 , 还可以做几个深呼吸 , 平顺心情 , 把注意力集中在自己的呼吸上 , 把负面的想法排除在外 。
保持一个良好的心态对于GRE考试的发挥是有很大作用的 , 考前学会放松 , 给自己一些积极的暗示 , 不要一直想着万一拿不到一个高的GRE考试分数怎么办 , 在心里要暗示自己平时的复习一定能获得一个较高的GRE分数 , 顺利通过个人考试 。
91. employ / deploy / ploy
deploy: To deploy troops or military resources means to organize or position them so that they are ready to be used.
ploy: A ploy is a way of behaving that someone plans carefully and secretly in order to gain an advantage for themselves.(策略)
92. apposite / opposite
apposite: Something that is apposite is suitable for or appropriate to what is happening or being discussed. (FORMAL)
93. object / objection / objective / objectivity
objective: Objective information is based on facts.
94. lurid / lucid
lurid: If you say that something is lurid, you are critical of it because it involves a lot of violence, sex, or shocking detail.
95. covet / covert / overt
covet: If you covet something, you strongly want to have it for yourself.(FORMAL)
covert: Covert activities or situations are secret or hidden. (FORMAL)
overt: An overt action or attitude is done or shown in an open and obvious way.
96. stationary / stationery
stationary: Something that is stationary is not moving.(=static)
97. supple / supplement / supplicate
supple: A supple object or material bends or changes shape easily without cracking or breaking.
supplicate: A supplicant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much. (FORMAL)
98. binge / hinge / fringe
binge: If you go on a binge, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money. (INFORMAL)
hinge: A hinge is a piece of metal, wood, or plastic that is used to join a door to its frame or to join two things together so that one of them can swing freely.
fringe: To be on the fringe or the fringes of a place means to be on the outside edge of it, or to be in one of the parts that are farthest from its centre.
