
1、她點燃了一根煙,蜷著身子說,在愛裡她也有尊嚴 。
She lit a cigarette and curled up to say that she had dignity in love.
2、年少時的我們未曾料到,匆匆一個錯身,就錯失了今生 。
When we were young, we didn't expect that, in a hurry, we missed this life.
3、我能猜到結局,可我等不到結尾 。
I can guess the end, but I can't wait for the end.
4、我是一個傻子,在等很愛很愛我的瘋子 。
I am a fool, waiting for a madman who loves me very much.
5、如果期待得到結果,願意因你著魔 。
If you're looking forward to results, you're willing to be possessed.
【描写有关爱情英文的句子】6、有魅力的女人不怕男人花心,有實力的男人不怕女人現實 。
Attractive women are not afraid of men's playfulness, and powerful men are not afraid of women's reality.
7、祝大家擁有愛情,而我擁有錢 。
I wish you all love and I have money.
8、遙不可及的夢境,你寵溺的微笑不再屬於我 。
Far away dream, your doting smile no longer belongs to me.
9、櫻花飄落的季節裡,凝望櫻花的不再是曾經的我們 。
In the season of cherry blossoms falling, we who gaze at the cherry blossoms are no longer the ones we used to be.
10、愛情裡最好的距離就是看不清楚對方 。
The best distance in love is not to see each other clearly.
If love tears, is it we wronged love, or love wronged us?
12、多少次為你付出,多少次淚流滿麵 。
How many times for you to pay, how many times tears.
13、總有一天你會發現,我不是誰都可以替代 。
One day you will find that I can not be replaced by everyone.
None of you can bully her, only I can!
15、所謂情侶一場,不過是,愛上一個人,從此終止顛沛流離 。
The so-called lovers a scene, but is, fall in love with a person, from then on to end the vagabond.
16、做有良心的男人,找有氣質的女人 。
Be a man with conscience and find a woman with temperament.
17、純白的石壁上,雕刻了我們曾經的矢誌不渝 。
On the pure white stone wall, engraved our once unswerving determination.
18、男孩子們都喜歡女孩子,可是誰也冇有我喜歡你這麼厲害 。
Boys like girls, but no one likes you as much as I do.
I'm a passer-by you will forget. Why should I accompany you all over the world!
20、你說再濃烈的愛也會消散,我便用這一生做給你看 。
You said that no matter how strong the love will dissipate, I will use this life to show you.
21、幻想終究是冇有羽翼的天使,飛不出現實的距離 。
After all, fantasy is an angel without wings, unable to fly out of the real distance.
22、好朋友就是會在麵前死命損你,又會在背後拼命維護你的人 。
A good friend is someone who will kill you in front of you and defend you in the back.
23、陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在 。
Company, is whether you need it or not, I am always there.
24、那些年華曾留下來的傷,需要時間靜靜療養 。
Those years have left behind the injury, need time quiet recuperation.
25、明知道天要下雨就該帶把傘,明知道不會有結果就請彆開始 。
You should take an umbrella when you know it's going to rain. Don't start when you know it won't work.
26、謝謝你曾經讓我心動,如今隻剩下心痛 。
Thank you once let me heart, now only heartache.
27、每個不想戀愛的人,往往心裡都藏著一個不可能的人 。
