【一张动图告诉你真声和假声 真声假声】
流行唱法起源于欧美,我们来看它们关于真声和假声的概念解读:The essential difference between the modal and falsetto registers lies in the amount and type of vocal cord involvement. The falsetto voice is produced by the vibration of the ligamentous edges of the vocal cords, in whole or in part, and the main body of the fold is more or less relaxed. In contrast, the modal voice involves the whole vocal cord with the glottis opening at the bottom first and then at the top.
翻译过来的意思就是真声是由声带主体振动而发声的,假声是由声带边缘部分振动而发声的 。
The essential difference between the modal and falsetto registers lies in the amount and type of vocal cord involvement. The falsetto voice is produced by the vibration of the ligamentous edges of the vocal cords, in whole or in part, and the main body of the fold is more or less relaxed. In contrast, the modal voice involves the whole vocal cord with the glottis opening at the bottom first and then at the top.
翻译过来的意思是真声和假声的本质区别是声带参与(震动)的面积和类型,假声是由声带韧带边缘震动产生的,声带主体是放松的,相反的,真声是声带全体震动产生的 。
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