【“时尚”的英语单词怎么写?】共有三个字可用: trend/trendy; fashion/fashionable; 及 vogue/in vogue:trendy =时髦的 (a)trendy people/clothes; (b)Her mother tries to be trendytrend= 趋势 (a)She follows all the latest trends in fashion.fashion= 服装的流行式样/风尚 (a)Are you interested in fashion?; (b)Fashions in music and art are always changing. 风尚 fashionable = 时髦的/流行out of fashion =不流行vogue = 时尚 The prevailing fashion; popular :(a) Short hair is the vogue. 时尚(b) leather is the latest vogue; (c) The French style of dress is in vogue just now. 时行的/流行的
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