【坐火车英语,英语作文关于坐火车的优点】It is comfortable. You can enjoy beautiful scenary. You can walk here and there. When you are hungry or thirstry, conductors can come to offer water or sell food. You can play cards with your friends or other people. It’s cheaper than going by plane. And now the train is much faster than before.
不算作文坐火车英语 , 只是列举了一些 。供参考 。
1、by 交通工具 。
2、takethe 交通工具 。
读音:英 [ba?]美 [ba?]
释义:表示使为者 , 表示方式 。
例句:We’ll be travelling by car. 我们将开车旅行 。
二、take the
读音:英 [te?k]美 [te?k]
语法:即“骑 , 驾” , 本意指骑马 , 现在则指乘坐交通工具(主要指马、自行车、公共汽车等 , 在美式英语中还包括船、火车、飞机甚至热气球等) , 有时也指骑在人的肩上 , 既可表示骑的动作 , 也可表示骑的状态 。
一、take the train
读音:英 [te?k e? tre?n]美 [te?k e? tre?n]
释义:乘火车 。
We wait one hour to take the train.
我们等了一个小时才搭上火车 。
二、take the bus
读音:英 [te?k e? b?s]美 [te?k e? b?s]
释义:搭公车 。
Thanks, but I take the bus all the time.
谢了 , 但我一向搭公车 。
三、take the taxi
读音:英 [te?k e? ?t?ksi]美 [te?k e? ?t?ksi]
释义:坐出租车 。
Take the taxi at the head of the rank, ie the first in the line. It’s ten minutes ‘ride from here.
乘坐排在前头的那辆计程车.从这儿坐车10分钟路程 。
Also known as the “go to what place? ”
塔朗吉[土耳其] 余光中[译]
Taranei [Turkey] Yu Guangzhong [translation]
去什么地方呢?这么晚了 ,
To what place? It’s so late,
美丽的火车 , 孤独的火车?
The beauty of the train, the train alone?
凄苦是你汽笛的声音 ,
Sad is you whistle voice,
令人记起了很多事情 。
It is to remember a lot of things.
Why shouldn’t I Waving Dance towels?
乘客多少都跟我有亲 。
How many passengers are told me dear.
去吧 , 但愿你一路平安 ,
Go, I wish you May you be safe throughout the journey,
桥都坚固 , 隧道都光明 。
Bridges are strong, tunnel light.
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