1、远古的时候,大地出现了严重的旱灾 。炎热烤焦了森林,烘干了大地,晒干了禾苗草木 。In ancient times, there was a serious drought. The heat scorched the forest, dried the earth and dried the grass.
2、原来,帝俊与羲和生了10个孩子都是太阳,他们住在东方海外,海水中有棵大树叫扶桑 。It turned out that Dijun and Xihe had 10 children, all of whom were the sun. They lived in the East and overseas. There was a big tree named Fusang in the sea.
3、10个太阳睡在枝条的底下,轮流跑出来在天空执勤,照耀大地 。但有时,他们一齐出来给人类带来了灾难 。Ten suns sleep under the branches and come out in turn to work in the sky and shine on the earth. But sometimes, they come out together and bring disaster to mankind.
4、为了拯救人类,羿张弓搭箭,向那9个太阳射去 。In order to save human beings, Yi took an arrow with a bow and shot at the nine suns.
【后羿射日英文版简短 后羿射日英文版简短分享】5、只见天空出现爆裂的火球,坠下一只只三足乌 。最后,天上只留下一个太阳 。I saw a burst fireball in the sky, falling a sanshuwu. In the end, there was o
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