
校级优秀学生干部 School Outstanding Student Cadre校级优秀学生School Outstanding Student 优秀团员 outstanding CLP member 获得国家奖学金二等奖,“三好学生”称号,校级奖学金,优秀研究生等 。Obtained the Second State Scholarship, Scholarships on Merit and the honors such as "3A Student", "Outstanding Graduate Student" etc.并在大一、大二时分别获得校级优秀学生干部称号和院级优秀学生干部称号 。Heavy one, heavy to obtain school grades of outstanding title and institute grades of outstanding title, cadre of student, cadre of student, separately two o'clock本人专业知识十分扎实,在大学期间,每年均获得校奖学金,并且多次获得校级三好学生、优秀共青团员等称号 。My knowledge is very good and wide. And I get scholarship every year. I am rewarded as three-good student and outstanding CLP member in my four-years' study.她是校级优秀学生干部,在学校的各项活动中,如在组织工作、主持工作和外交工作等等方面,表现很出众,既大方得体,又能待人真诚、谦逊、有礼 。She was School Outstanding Student Cadre; she made the difference in school activities such as organization, presiding over and foreign affairs. She was natural, proper sincerely, modest, and polite
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