

NBA 各队最新入场口号: Hawks- "The Highlight Factory" Celtics- "Come drink the Kool-Aid!" Bobcats- "Elevate" Bulls- "Love it Live!" Cavaliers- "We Haven't Improved, So Stare At Damon Jones' Forehead" or "Watch LeBron Before He Opts Out" Mavericks- "It's All About D" Nuggets- "Can You Feel It?" Pistons- "50 Seasons of Hard Work. That's True Blue Collar." Warriors- "It's Cool. We traded for Stephen Jackson, not Ron Artest" Rockets- "It's Time" Pacers- "Where White Flight Comes Home to Roost" Grizzlies- "New Game" Heat- "20 Years of Heat/The Heat Experience. Feel it. Live." Bucks- "Where Amazing Happens" T'Wolves- "See What They Can Do" Hornets- "Passion, Purpose, Pride" Nets- "More Than a Game" Knicks- "Experience complete chaos!" Magic- "The Time is Now. Be Bold.BeBlue." 76ers- "Multiple Slogans" Suns- "Welcome to Planet Orange" or "The Whine Factory" Trail Blazers- "Rise With Us" or "Sam Bowie redux" Kings- "We're So the Only Game in Town" Spurs- "Team is Everything" Sonics- "Movin' On... Up! Movin' On Up. Right" Raptors- "My Game is Raptors Basketball" Jazz- "It's a Pure Adrenaline Rush" Wizards- "Ready to Rule" 楼主慢慢看...........
