随着跨境电商的发展 , 越来越多的人往速卖通平台上注册开店 , 但是在新店刚开始运营的时候 , 会需要对店铺的运营各个方面进行了解 , 需要知道站内信该怎么写 , 下面就来介绍清楚 。
1、已妥投 , 希望卖家留好评
Dear friend, thanks for your order, we checked your package that has beendelivered, hope youlike it and had a good shopping in our store; suggest you canadd our store to your favorite list, it 'seasy to find us next time.
lf you are satisfied with our products and service, would you please give us5 star positivefeedback better with your comments, next time when you orderleave us "last order number is XXXXXX please send extra gift", then we will sendyou extra gift.
Also it's a good way to share and click "B+1 in VK website" and "Pin it byPinterest"under theproducts link main picture.
lf you are not satisfied please contact us, we are good seller would like tosolve the problem withyou.
Your supporting is our motivation to do better, thanks very much! Welcomeshopping next time^_^.
【速卖通站内信怎么写?有哪些模板?】Dear friend, thanks for your order, it's really happy to know you and doingbusiness with you, ifyou are happy with us of this time, would you please giveus 5 star positive feedback better with yourcomments, next time when you orderleave us "last order number is XXXXXX please send extra gift", then we will sendyou extra gift, this is the link for feedback.
http://help.aliexpress.com/feedback_suppliers.html, also it's a good way toshare and click "B+1in VK website" and "Pin it by Pinterest "under the productslink main picture.
lf you are not satisfied please contact us, we would like to solve theproblem with you, we aregood seller always want to let you have a nice shoppingcxperience.
Your supporting is our motivation to do better, thanks very much! Welcomeshopping next time 。
通过分析 , 我们清楚的了解到速卖通站内信怎么写 , 卖家可以掌握好以上内容 , 这样流量在多了之后订单也会随之增加 , 这时候就可以根据以上模板来发站内信 。
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