


Timely review is better than delayed review, but it is not the sooner the better. The best time to review should be decided according to one's study habits and the nature and difficulty of the course. Listening to a lesson is more loud, and there are many difficult problems, so we need to be in time. When the class is basically understood, the review is only in-depth study, and the interval is one or two days, which has little impact. The concepts and principles of the course are abstract and puzzling, so we should review them in time. The lectures are mainly narrative, consistent with the contents of books, and can also be reviewed at intervals.复习は遅れよりもいいですが、早ければ早いほどいいというわけではありません 。复习の最适なタイミングは、个人の学习习惯によって、授业の性质、难易度によって决められます 。授业を受けるのは比较的に力があって、难しい问题が多くて、直ちにいくらかを要します 。授业の内容は主に叙述的な内容で、本の内容と一致しています 。时间をおいて复习してもいいです 。
