3.He jumbled the pages in the paper.他把纸张的顺序弄乱了 。
4.The torn page is mended with tape.撕破的一页用胶带补好了 。
5.This page is a piece of paper.这页是一张纸 。
6.He summarized the book in ten pages.他用十页篇幅概述了这本书 。
7.This is a page of well-written prose.这是一篇很好的散文 。
8.He blotted the page carefully with blotting paper.他用吸墨纸小心地把这页纸吸干 。
9.The chapter extends to more than ninety pages.这一章长达九十多页 。
10.The paper splashed the story on page one.报纸在头版报道 了这件事 。
11.The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract.律师在合同后又附加了两页 。
12.See explanatory notes at the foot of this page.参见本页下端的注解 。
13.He was idly turning the pages of a magazine.他在无聊地翻看一本杂志 。
14.The newspaper had an insert of pages of pictures.该报带有数页插图 。
15.Have you had experience in mocking up a page?你装扮过花童吗?
16.There are two columns on each page of this dictionary.这本词典每一页有两栏 。
17.Please download Sopcast(Click) first,and refresh page to watching after install.如果您没有安装sopcast,请先点此下载Sopcast,下载安装后刷新页面即可观看 。
18.Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.在这几页上同时画上横线和竖线,以便制作图表 。
19.The pages of the book were numbered 1 to 268.这本书的页码是从1编到 268的 。
20.It was originally published in the pages of a magazine.这篇文章原先发表在一本杂志上 。
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