gre阅读必备专业词汇 GRE常考词汇整合( 二 )

leakage the process of leaking
lien legal claim until a debt on it is repaid
limp lacking strength,walking unevenly
loll rest,to sit or stand in a lazy way; hang (dog's tongue)
loquacious talkative
lubricant substance that makes work easier
lubricate put oil to make work easily
lugubrious dismal,mourful;
lull become quiet or less active
luminary star,light-giving body
macabre gruesome,suggesting death
maladroit tactless,clumpsy
malapropism misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)
malign injurious,speak ill of smb,tell lie
martial brave,of associated with war
massacre cruel killing of a large number of people
matriculation be admitted,enter a university as a student
mature come to full development,to a state ready for use
mendacious false
mercurial lively,quick-witted; inconsistent,changeable
meretricious attractive on the surface but of little value
mischievous harmful,causing mischief
miser person who loves wealth and spends little
missile smth that is thrown or shot
moderation quality of being limited,not extreme
mollify make calmer or quiter
molt moult,lose hair,feathers before new growing
morbid diseased,unhealthy (eg. about ideas)
morose ill-tempered,unsocial
mortuary place where dead bodies are taken to be kept until burial
mundane wordly,ordinary,dull
negligent taking too little care
noisome offensive,disgusting (smell)
nonplussed greatly surprised
noxious harmful
numb without ability to feel or move
numbness without ability to move a finger
obdurate stubborn,impenitent
obsequious too eager to obey or serve
officious too eager or ready to help,offer advice
opprobrious showing scorn or reproach
ostentation display to obtain admiration or envy
ostentatious fond of
ostracism shut out from society,refuse to meet,talk
ostrich fast-running bird unable to fly
outset start
overhaul examine thoroughly to learn about the condition
overwhelm weigh down,submerge
palpability can be felt,touched,understood
palpitate tremble,beat rapidly and irregularly
parenthesis sentense within another one,smth separated
parsimonious too economical,miserly
peccadillo small sin; small weakness in one's character
penchant taste,liking,inclination
penury poverty
peremptory not to be disobeyed or questioned
perennial lasting for a long time (eg. a year)
perfidious treacheres,faithless
perfidy treachery; breaking of faith
perfunctory done as a duty withour care
perjury wilful fasle statement,unlawful act
pernicious harmful,injurious
persevere keep on steadily,continue
pertain belong as a part,have reference
