gre阅读必备专业词汇 GRE常考词汇整合( 四 )

undermine weaken gradually,at the base,make smth under
unfeigned not pretended,sincere
unscathed unharmed,unhurt
untoward unfortunate,inconvenient
upbraid scold,reproach
urbane polite,elegant
vacillation being uncertain,hesitating
vain without use,value or result
valiant brave
valorous brave
vapor stim,mist
veer change direction
veneration regard with deep respect
veritable real,rightly named
verve spirit,vigour,enthusiasm
vex annoy,distress,trouble
vigilance watchfulness,self-appointed group who maintain order
vigilant member of a vigilance committee
vilify slander,say evil things
vindictive having a desire to revenge
waft scent,waving movement; carry lightly through
wage payment,carry on,engage in (war)
warmonger person who stirs up war
warrant authority,written order,guarantee
wary cautious
weave make (threads) into cloth
weigh measure hoe heavy smth is
whimsical full of odd and fanciful ideas
wince show bodily or mental pain
profane wordly,having contempt for God
profundity depth
proliferate grow,reproduce by rapid multification
prolix tiring because too long
propagation increasing the number,spreading,extending
prudence careful forethought
prudish easily shocked,excessively modest
prune dried plum,silly person
prune cut away part in order to control growth
pugnacious fond of,in the habit of
punch strike with the fist; tool for cutting holes; alc. drink
pundit pedant,authority on a subject
pungency sharpness
pyre large pile of wood for burning
quack person dishonestly claiming to smth
qualm feeling of doubt,temporary feeling of sickness in the stomach
qualms feelings of doubt,sickness in the stomach
quell suppress,subdue
quixotic generous,unselfish
raconter person who tells anecdotes
rancorous feeling bitterness,spitefulness
rapacious greedy (esp for money)
recalcitrant disobedient
recast cast or fashoin anew
reciprocity granting of privileges in return for similiar
recitals a number of,performance of music
recluse person who lives alone and avoids people
recuperate become strong after illness,loss,exhaustion
redeem get back by payment; compensate
refine make or become pure,cultural
rejuvenation becoming young in nature or appearence
relapse fall back again
relinquish give up
reluctant unwilling or disinclined
renovate restore smth to better condition
rent regular payment for the use of smth,division or split
repine at be discontented with
reproach scold,upbraid
requite repay,give in return
resilience quality of quickly recovering the proginal shape
restive refusing to move; reluctant to be controlled
