tell的基本用法 tell的用法精讲

你们知道tell的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
Those who tell the Truth love you. Those who tell you what you want to hear love themselves.
——Mother Mary Angelica
说实话的人爱你,说你想听的话的人爱他们自己 。
1.告诉,告知 [T]
I'll tell her, but it won't have any effect.
我可以告诉她,但不会起什么作用 。
2.提供,说明 [T]
The recipe tells how to make maple syrup dumplings.
这个制法讲如何做枫糖点心 。
3.讲述,表达 [T]
【tell的基本用法 tell的用法精讲】I'll tell you what I've been thinking.
我来给你讲讲我这段时间的想法 。
4.泄漏,泄密 [I]
Don’t tell him any secret. He’s a real blabbermouth.
别泄露给他任何秘密,他这人多嘴,会泄漏的 。
5.命令,指示,吩咐 [T]
The light tells you if the machine is on.
指示灯告诉你机器是否在工作 。
6.识别,辨别 [I]
No one could tell exactly what was going to happen.
谁也不能猜出到底会发生什么情况 。
7.产生效果,发生影响 [I]
His unselfish work is beginning to tell.
他无私的工作开始产生效果 。
tell apart
tell off
责备,斥责,责骂,数说(某人的过错) 分派,分配(工作) 数,计算
tell on
The advertisement _____ us very little about the product.
这则广告提供的产品情况很少 。
say和tell算是一对同义词,都表达“说”的意思 。常常有同学分不清在哪些情况下该用say,哪些情况用tell,今天就来重点区分一下 。
Say or Tell?
1. Say and Tell have no difference in meaning in this context except for the structure of the sentence.
You SAY something
“He said that he would be back at 3pm”.
You TELL someone something
“He told me that he would be back at 3pm”.
2. Use SAY when you’re quoting someone or with ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’ and ‘hi’.
“Johnny, say thank you to the lady for giving you the ice cream”.
“Say hi to Tom when you see him later”.
“Silvia says sorry for not getting back to you earlier. She has been so busy with work”
3. Use TELL when giving/asking for information or asking for instructions
“Could you tell me the time?” ( information)
“Can you tell me the quickest way to the railway station?” (instructions)
“Could you tell me when the next sales meeting will be?” (information)
