GRE阅读解析 GRE精选词汇解析

小编给大家整理了GRE词汇解析, 我们一起来学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
predilection: 偏爱,special liking, mental preference
1) a preference for something
2) a disposition in favor of something; preference
Synonyms: bias, inclination, penchant, tendency
predilection <> antipathy 爱好<>厌恶
predilection <> aversion 
Richardson...___, director...___....( predilection to .. unassuming)
predilection : propensity to dislike s{: Mu~v
The boss’s predilection for loud jazz music was barely tolerable to anyone he worked with
A) unwillingness to choose
B) desire to please
C) ambiguity
D) stereotype
E) propensity to dislike
B. 取悦别人的欲望
C. 模棱两可
D. 陈规老套
E. 不喜欢的倾向
aversion: 嫌恶, 憎恨
umbrage: (n.) 不悦,怨恨; offense or resentment
1) 不悦,生气: the feeling of being offended or resentful after a slight or indignity
resentful : umbrage
fractious : umbrage
Syn: dudgeon, huff, miff, offense, peeve, resentment
umbrage <> contentment, delight, gratification, happiness, pleasure
The candidate took umbrage at the remark of his opponent.
He would take umbrage at the slightest suggestion of disrespect.
Even though the general's carefully qualified public statement could hardly be -------, some people took -------- it.
respected.. liberties with
inoffensive.. umbrage at
faulted.. exception to
credited.. potshots at .
dismissed.. interest in
take liberties with: v.1.(对人)狎昵,调戏 2.(对事)随意改变,歪曲
take umbrage at: v.对……生气,不快,伤感情
take exception to: v.1.对……反对,对……表示异议 2.生气,不悦
take poshots at: v.对……作任意零星的批评
fault: v.找……的缺点,挑剔,指责
credit: v.相信,信任
asperity: severity of tone, manner, or temper; roughness; harshness
asperity ------ roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness
asperity ------ sharpness; roughness; severity (of temper or weather); Ex. asperities of a Russian winter
asperity ------severity; harshness; irritability
asperity ------ biting in whit-negative
asperity ------ sharpness (of temper)
These remarks, spoken with asperity, stung the boys to whom they had been directed.
asperity ------ harshness; roughness
asperity-----sharpness; roughness; severity (of temper or weather); Ex. asperities of a Russian winter
12 apserity <> mildness
asperity n.严酷, 粗暴, 刻薄
839. asperity 
