It’s the story of a fairly fat cat called Garfield加菲猫的狂欢节 在线 。 First, Garfield lives with his master-Jon happily 。 But then things change 。
Jon got a dog called Audi 。 Garfield dislikes Audi at all 。 He kicks out Audi of Jon’s house 。 Then Audi got kidnapped by a TV star 。
Garfield tries to rescue the dog 。 Finally, he worked 。 I’d say that this movie is the funniest movie I ever seen 。 There are full of jokes and silly situations 。
【加菲猫的狂欢节 在线:求一英语的加菲猫内容述 在线=】If you like jokes and silly situations, this is the movie for you 。 You’ll laugh the entire time 。
这是我自己写的, 不错吧! 。
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