你也是7700万独居青年中的一员吗?( 三 )

愿每一个正在履历空巢的年青人,都能顺遂走过这一场冒险,完当作属于他们的功课 。
以上 。
Anlong, Y.(2017)."Empty nest youth": Phenomenon, performance, cause and cognitive attitude.Forward Position,7,78–82.
Klinenberg, E. (2013).Going solo: The extraordinary rise and surprising appeal of living alone.Penguin.
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2004). Autonomy is no illusion.Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology, 455-481.
Weinstein, N., Deci, E., & Ryan, R. M. (2011). Motivational determinants of integrating positive and negative past identities.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100,527–544.
【你也是7700万独居青年中的一员吗?】Xiao, D.(2018).Social psychological diagnosis and support of the group of the empty nest youth.Gansu Social Sciences,2018(1),179–185.

