精选推荐 平安夜的短信祝福语大全( 三 )

7. 願所有的聖誕節都如此歡快明亮!新的一年,向你獻上最誠摯的祝福 。I hope all of our christmases are this bright! The New Year, offer best wishes to you.
8. 願可愛的聖誕帶給你無儘的快樂 。願你收禮物收到手抽筋 。聖誕快樂 。
9. Lovely Christmas will bring you endless happiness. You would like to receive gifts received hand cramps. A merry Christmas.
10. 恭賀聖誕快樂,在新的一年裡有甜有蜜,有富有貴,有滋有味,有安有康 。Merry Christmas and happy in the New Year has sweet honey, there are full of expensive, flavorful, Ann kang.
11. 又是一個雪花飛揚的季節,讓片片雪花帶上我聖誕節最深深的祝福,你好嗎?Is a snowflake flying season, I will put on patches of snow at Christmas is the most deeply bless, how are you?
12. 天聖誕老人送給我最好的禮物就是讓我遇見到你!想偷偷地告訴你:我喜歡你!Day Santa Claus gave me the best gift is to let I meet to you! Want to tell you secretly: I like you!
13. 無儘的愛戀與祝福,獻給我的愛妻,你永遠是我珍貴的聖誕禮物和我的一切!Endless love and blessing for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me.
14. 今天聖誕老人送給我最好的禮物就是讓我遇見到你!想偷偷地告訴你:我喜歡你!Today, Santa Claus gave me the best gift is to let I meet to you! Want to tell you secretly: I like you!
15. 如果你今天冇收到我的聖誕禮物,那一定是因為你的襪子有個大洞!快補補吧!If you received my Christmas present today, it must be because your socks have a big hole! Quick a lot!
