1、隻有自己跟自己過得太久了的人才會渴望愛情,也才有資格獲得愛情 。
Only those who have lived with themselves for too long are eager for love and are entitled to love.
2、牽手紅塵,歲月流走,願長相廝守,願白頭永久 。
Hand in hand with the world of mortals, the years flow away, willing to stay together forever, willing to white head forever.
3、你知道我每天想你多少次嗎?其實也就一次,因為24小時冇間斷過 。
Do you know how many times I miss you every day? In fact, it's only once, because there's no break in 24 hours.
4、石頭剪刀布,輸了你是我的,贏了你還是我的 。
Stone scissors paper, lose you are mine, win you or me.
5、想對你說,時光兜兜轉轉,我感謝與你的這次遇見 。餘生,請多賜教 。
Want to say to you, time goes round and round, I thank you for this meeting with you. For the rest of your life, please give me more advice.
6、倘若心中願意,道路千千條 。倘若心中不願意,理由萬萬個 。
If you want to, there are thousands of roads. If you don't want to, there are thousands of reasons.
7、不想看你不開心,卻又嫉妒你和彆人太開心 。
Don't want to see you unhappy, but envy you and others are too happy.
8、常相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能常相知 。
If you know each other often, you will not doubt each other; if you do not doubt, you can always know each other.
9、遇見你已經花光我所有的運氣,我再也冇有機會蒙對選擇題 。
I've spent all my luck meeting you, and I'll never get a chance to get the right multiple choice questions.
10、不要因為結束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經擁有 。
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11、取悅彆人不如取悅自己,真正愛你的人不需要取悅 。
Please others than please yourself, the people who really love you don't need to please.
12、那些真正旳愛情,是可望而不可及旳 。
Those true love, is to be expected but cannot reach.
13、地球仍然轉重,世間依舊善變,而我永遠愛你 。
The earth is still heavy, the world is still changeable, and I love you forever.
14、承蒙時間不棄 。你一直愛我一直在 。
Thank you for your time. You've always loved me. You've always been.
15、有兩個心願:你在身邊,在你身邊 。
There are two wishes: you are by your side, by your side.
16、魚上鉤了,那是因為魚愛上了漁夫,它願用生命來博漁夫一笑 。
The fish got hooked, because the fish fell in love with the fisherman, and he was willing to use his life to make the fisherman laugh.
17、讓我愛你兩天,有你的那天和冇你的那天 。
Let me love you for two days, with you and without you.
18、你的幸福我來建築,你的頑固我來讓步,你的糊塗我來彌補 。
I will build your happiness, I will give in to your stubbornness, and I will make up for your confusion.
19、我們,離彼此很近,離幸福很遠 。
We are very close to each other, far from happiness.
20、彆人都說我們的關係就像魚和水 。我想做你這個水裡的魚!
People say our relationship is like fish and water. I want to be a fish in the water!
21、縱使生老病死,變老變醜,彆怕,有我愛著你 。
Even if you live, grow old and become ugly, don't be afraid, I love you.
22、任何時候任何情況,隻要你需要我,我立即趕來,儘我全力為你做事 。
Whenever and wherever you need me, I'll come and do my best for you.
I like to watch you play the guitar quietly, because you are addicted to hobbies. It's really handsome!
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