从我个人经常接触到的CME是:Continuing Medical Education(继续医学教育),其他的如下:网络上查询CME在 英文的定义结果:Chicago Mercantile Exchangewww.learnmoney.co.uk/spread-betting/glossary-10.htmlAn exchange for trading futures contracts and options on futures through the process of open outcry. The worlds leading exchange for currency and short-term interest rate products. 1999 Trading Volume - 200.7 million contracts, valued at $138 trillion.fxtrade.oanda.com/help/glossary/glossaryA_C.htmla document to record the receipt of non-cash/check payments.www.public.iastate.edu/~ecommerce/glossary.html(Chicago Mercantile Exchange): CME is the largest futures exchange in the United States and the second largest exchange in the world for the trading of futures and options on futures. Founded in 1898 as a not-for-profit corporation, in November 2000 CME became the first US financial exchange to demutualize and become a shareholder-owned corporation. ...www.investinginoptions.com/glossary_C.htmlColored Methodist Episcopal Churchwww.andreafiles.com/abbreviations.phpCertified Medical Electrologist, a credential given by SCMEwww.hairfacts.com/terms/termsc.htmlmagnetized plasma ejected from Sun, usu. taken to have been a prominence/filament before ejection; typical params: speed = ~700 km/s; mass = 10 15 g; size = ~R Sun = ~7 x 10 5 km An APOD image of a CME from taken with SoHO LASCO A 245 kB mpeg movie of a CME, associated with the filment eruption of below (swiped from the Hot Shots from SOHO page on the 4 Jan. 2002 event)solarmuri.ssl.berkeley.edu/~welsch/brian/solar/glossary/glossary.htmlCentral Medical Establishment.www.rafjever.org/glossary.htmAn exchange where financial futures, foreign currency futures, commodity futures, and futures options are traded. Also called the Merc.www.freebuck.com/reference/glossary/c.htmCME can refer to any of the following; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CME
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