王菀之 Love Has It All 【演唱】王菀之【专辑】I Love My Name歌名:Love Has It All(英) 歌手:王菀之 专辑:I Love My Name Love has it all beckons softly with its call Night & day E're spreading its silky wings on its way Love has it all gently falls to the lonely melting heart And giving it a fresh new start Love has it all hot & cold emotion Wild & free imagination Love has it all don't you ever know It touches you where're you go and kisses your broken soul While I feel lost barely surviving ups & falls When broken dreams are trailing up the sky winds soaring high But when I ask love to stay it flies away Leaving no trace makes me wonder what to say Love has it all hot & cold emotion Wild & free imagination Love has it all don't you ever know It touches you where're you go and kisses your broken soul Love has it all hot & cold emotion Wild & free imagination Love has it all it turns moments to gold It caresses your broken soul and touches you wherever you go Now that I know Love is hot & Love is cold Moments of ice moments of fire It flashes through the eye For all I know Love would want it to remould From faded dreams to heart of gold A brand new story http://mp3.zhongsou.com/my?d=317e56bc420f4a5d
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