彩虹的唯美英语句子 彩虹的句子短唯美英文

1、风雨过后未必有彩虹,但肯定会有希望,会有光芒 。
There may not be a rainbow after the storm, but there must be hope and light.
2、生命似雨后彩虹,你若凝视,便是永恒 。
Life is like a rainbow after rain. If you gaze at it, it will be eternal.
3、经历风雨未必现彩虹,但彩虹总在风雨后 。
【彩虹的唯美英语句子 彩虹的句子短唯美英文】Rainbows may not appear after storms, but rainbows are always after storms.
4、彩虹在一定的条件下才会形成,而彩虹无非是永远无法触摸的光 。
Rainbows are formed o
