英语+中文 茶花女作者介绍

【英语+中文 茶花女作者介绍】

英语+中文 茶花女作者介绍

亚历山大·小仲马 Alexandre Dumas fils (1824~1895)是法国著名小说家大仲马当公务员时与一女裁缝所生的私生子 。受父亲影响 , 他也热爱文学创作 , 并且和他父亲一样勤奋 , 成为法国戏剧由浪漫主义向现实主义过渡期间的重要作家 。大仲马很为有这样的儿子而自豪 。传说曾经有人问大仲马一生中最得意的作品是哪部 , 大仲马自豪地回答:小仲马 。和大仲马侧重表现历史 , 专写历史剧和历史小说不同 , 小仲马则专写现代剧 。小仲马幼年饱尝家庭不幸带来的种种辛酸和痛苦 , 亲眼看到大仲马一生受累于种种桃色事件 , 并因此落得晚景贫困凄凉 。所以小仲马在他的作品中大力宣扬家庭及婚姻的神圣 , 对资产阶级社会风气、家庭生活和伦理道德做了比较细致的描绘和揭露 , 抨击了娼妓社会对家庭婚姻的威胁 , 歌颂了纯洁高尚的爱情 , 成为社会问题剧的创始人之一 。小仲马的代表作是《茶花女》 , 开始为小说 , 后被改编为话剧 , 它赞颂了玛格莉特出自淤泥而不染的高尚情操 。话剧一上演 , 立即轰动了整个巴黎 。小仲马从此后专门从事话剧创作 , 其他比较有名的作品有《私生子》、《金钱问题》、《放荡的父亲》《欧勃雷夫人的见解》《半上流社会》《阿尔丰斯先生》《福朗西雍》等 。大都以妇女、婚姻、家庭为题材 , 真实地反映出社会生活的一个侧面 。他的作品富有生活气息 , 感情真切自然 , 语言通俗流畅 。Dumas was born in Paris, France, the illegitimate child of Marie-Laure-Catherine Labay (1794-1868), a dressmaker, and novelist Alexandre Dumas. During 1831 his father legally recognized him and ensured that the young Dumas received the best education possible at the Institution Goubaux and the Collège Bourbon. At that time, the law allowed the elder Dumas to take the child away from his mother. Her agony inspired Dumas fils to write about tragic female characters. In almost all of his writings, he emphasized the moral purpose of literature and in his play The Illegitimate Son (1858) he espoused the belief that if a man fathers an illegitimate child then he has an obligation to legitimize the child and marry the woman.Dumas' paternal great-grandparents were a French nobleman and a Haitian woman. In boarding schools, Dumas fils was constantly taunted by his classmates. These issues all profoundly influenced his thoughts, behaviour, and writing.During 1844 Dumas moved to Saint-Germain-en-Laye to live with his father. There, he met Marie Duplessis, a young courtesan who would be the inspiration for his romantic novel The Lady of the Camellias. Adapted into a play, it was titled in English (especially in the United States) as Camille and is the basis for Verdi's 1853 opera, La Traviata. Although he admitted that he had done the adaptation because he needed the money, he had a great success with the play. Thus began the career of Dumas fils as a dramatist, which was not only more renowned than that of his father during his lifetime but also dominated the serious French stage for most of the second half of the 19th century. After this, he virtually abandoned writing novels (though his semi-autobiographical L'Affaire Clemenceau (1867) achieved some success).Tomb of Dumas fils in Montmartre Cemetery.On 31 December 1864, Dumas married Nadjeschda von Knorring (1826 – April 1895), daughter of Johan Reinhold von Knorring and wife, and widow of Alexander, Prince Naryschkine, whom he married at Moscow and with whom he had two daughters: Marie-Alexandrine-Henriette Dumas, born 20 November 1860, who married Maurice Lippmann and was the mother of Serge Napoléon Lippmann (1886–1975) and Auguste Alexandre Lippmann (1881–1960); and Jeanine Dumas (3 May 1867–), who married Ernest d' Hauterive (1864–1957), son of George Lecourt d' Hauterive and wife (married in 1861) Léontine de Leusse. After Naryschkine's death, he married in June 1895 Henriette Régnier de La Brière (1851–1934), without issue.During 1874, he was admitted to the Académie fran?aise and in 1894 he was awarded the Légion d'honneur.Alexandre Dumas fils died at Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, on November 27, 1895 and was interred in the Cimetière de Montmartre in Paris. His grave is, perhaps coincidentally, only some 100 metres away from that of Marie Duplessis.[edit] Bibliography[edit] NovelsFrench literature By category French literary history Medieval16th century · 17th century18th century · 19th century20th century · Contemporary French writers Chronological listWriters by categoryNovelists · PlaywrightsPoets · EssayistsShort story writers France portal Literature portal This box: view ? talk ? edit The Lady of the Camellias (Camille) (1848) L'affaire Clemenceau (The Clemenceau Case) (1867) [edit] OperaVerdi's La Traviata based on the novel The Lady of the Camellias [edit] PlaysAtala (1848) The Lady of the Camellias (1852) Diane de Lys (1853) Le Bijou de la reine (1855) Le Demi-monde (1855) La Question d'argent (1857) Le Fils naturel (The Illegitimate Son) (1858) Un Père prodigue (1859) Un Mariage dans un chapeau (1859) coll. Vivier L'Ami des femmes (1864) Le Supplice d'une femme (1865) coll. Emile de Girardin Heloise Paranquet (1866) coll. Durentin Les Idees de Madame Aubray (1867) Le Filleul de Pompignac (1869) coll. Francois Une Visite de noces (1871) La Princesse Georges (1871) La Femme de Claude (1873) Monsieur Alphonse (1873) L'étrangère (1876) Les Danicheff (1876) coll. de Corvin La Comtesse Romani (1876) coll. Gustave Fould La Princesse de Bagdad (1881) Denise (1885) Francillon (1887) La Route de Thebes (unfinished) 英语和中文内容出自不同地方 , 所以不能完全一致 , 请参考
