

① heroical : 英勇的,无畏的:具有、显示或有与英雄品质相称的特征的;无畏的: His heroic action has left a deep impression on people's minds. Having, displaying, or characteristic of the qualities appropriate to a hero; courageous: 英勇的,无畏的:具有、显示或有与英雄品质相称的特征的;无畏的: heroic deeds. 英勇事迹 Impressive in size or scope; grand: 异常大的:大小或范围很大的;宏大的: heroic undertakings. 宏大的事业 Of a size or scale that is larger than life: 大于真人或实物的:大小或规模大于真人或实物的: heroic sculpture. 大于实物的雕像 n.(名词) heroics Melodramatic behavior or language: heroics 豪壮的,史诗般的:豪壮的行为或语言: “We trust the House . . . will come up with answers without all the political heroics”(Atlanta Constitution) “我们相信议院…将会给我们不带丝毫政治豪言壮语的答复” 英雄的;英勇的 His heroic action has left a deep impression on people's minds. 他的英雄行为在人民心里留下了深刻的印象 。壮大的;崇高的;雄伟壮丽的 heroic sounding speeches 气势雄伟的演说 ②heroical heroical (a.)英雄的;神人的;超人的 反正都差不多啊···
