

【increase后跟动词的何种形式】increase entry增加项 。increase gear增速装置 。increase in productivity生产率增长 。increase in stocks存货增加 。increase in value增值,升值 。increase of budget增加预算 。increase of frequency提高频率 。increase of gas pressure气压增加 。increase of power提高功率 。increase of premium增加保费 。increase of production提高产量 。increase of risk增加风险 。increase of service life延长使用寿命 。increase of weight增加重量 。increase position加码 。increase side增加方,借方 。increase speed加速 。increase with随...而增长 。in.creaseincrease的音标和读音:DJ音标发音: [in kri:s]KK音标发音: [ n kris]increase的词性:v.(动词)increased, increasing, increasesincrease的词性:v.intr.(不及物动词)1.To become greater or larger.增大,增多2.To multiply; reproduce.繁殖;复制increase的词性及物动词)3.To make greater or larger.增加,增大increase的词性:n.(名词)increase的音标和读音:4.The act of increasing:增长的行为:用法与例句:a steady increase in temperature.气温持续增高5.The amount or rate by which something is increased:增加率:某事物的增长量或增长率:用法与例句:a tax increase of 15 percent.百分之十五的税收增长6.ObsoleteReproduction and spread; propagation.【废语】复制和散布;繁殖increase的习惯用语7.Increasing, especially in frequency of occurrence:不断增长,特指出现的频率:用法与例句:Crime is on the increase.犯罪率在不断上升increase的词源:8.Middle English encresen中古英语 encresen9.from Old French encreistreencreiss-源自 古法语 encreistreencreiss-10.from Latin incr?scere源自 拉丁语 incr?[intensive pref.] * see in-2in-[用于加强语意的前缀] *参见[to grow] * see ker- 2cr?scere[生长] *参见 ker- 2increase的词性:adj.(形容词)increase的词性:n.(名词)increase的词性:adv.(副词)【近义词】increase, expand, enlarge, extend, augment, multiply13.These verbs mean to make or become greater or larger.这些动词都有增长、扩大的含义 。14.Increaseapplies most widely; it sometimes suggests steady growth:Increase应用范围最广;有时指稳定的增长:用法与例句:“Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones” (La Rochefoucauld).“分别会使平庸的感情削减,却能使深厚的感情增强” (拉·劳土福科) 。用法与例句:The mayor's political influence rapidly increased. To expandis to increase in size, area, volume, bulk, or range:市长的政治影响迅速扩大 。expand指在大小、面积、容积、体积或范围等方面的
