inside and out 从内到外地;彻底地
step inside 走进里面
inside panel 内部平台
inside caliper 内卡;[机] 内卡钳;内径卡尺
inside dimension 内尺寸
inside director 内部董事; 企业内部董事;
inside measurement 内测定;内尺寸
inside casing 内框;内压条
1.They usually return the manuscript inside of (or inside ) a month.他们通常在(或 inside ) 一个月内归还手稿
2.That man was disliked inside the college.全校的人都不喜欢这个人 。
3.The frontier has worked him over inside.边疆生活已使他的思想起了很大变化 。
4.You’ve got your sweater on inside out.你把毛衣穿反了 。
5.Mr Jackson is waiting for you inside.杰克逊先生正在里面等你 。
6.Sumless conflict again and again inside my body.身体顿时内部在疯狂冲击 。
7.Fixed a buffer overflow inside the wordwrap() function.确定了wordwrap() 函数 中的一个缓冲溢出 。
8.He kept his emotions corked up inside him.他把感情深藏于内心 。
9.The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother’s pouch.卵最后在母兽的育儿袋内孵化了 。
10.The prefix,etyma and suffix have been embedded inside.前后缀及词根已被包含.
11.Inside is a litre of thin, urinous liquid.它里面装有一升稀薄的淡黄色饮料 。
12.He had a good rummage inside the sofa.他把沙发内部彻底搜寻了一翻 。
13.I keep my wallet in an inside pocket.我把钱包放在里面的口袋里 。
14.Hughes robbed Vonk yards inside the City half.休斯在市前卫几码之内夺了冯克的球 。
15.Trapped inside was an extinct breed of stingless bee.陷入其中的是一只已经灭绝的无蛰针蜜蜂 。
16.Your clothes are all huddled up inside the bag.你的衣服都揉成一团塞在包里 。
17.KAVASS canvas shoes have soft and comfortable inside sole.KAVASS帆布鞋内底柔软舒适,接缝无毛边,穿着舒适,绝无拱起凹陷现象 。
18.You put food inside an oven to cook it.你把食物放进烤箱里热一下 。
19.I just roll the phrases round inside my head.我就在头脑里翻来覆去地思考这些话语 。
20.It was so windy my umbrella turned inside out.风很大,把我的伞吹翻了 。
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