为什么用做托福阅读的方法答不出GRE高分,从头说起!我们看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
伙伴们必须首先认清,GRE的阅读考试不同于我们过去所经历的各种阅读考试,无论是中文还是英文,无论是小学和中学阶段的语言考试,还是大学之后可能经历的四六级阅读考试,抑或是TOEFL/IELTS中的阅读考试 。
GRE阅读所测试的能力决定了我们必须以不同的阅读策略切入,抛弃我们所固有的、已经习以为常的阅读习惯 。那么,要做到这一点,我们就必须首先弄清楚GRE阅读考试到底考察哪些能力 。下面我就来看看GRE官方指南是怎么说的:
Reading Comprehension questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities required to read and understand the kinds of prose commonly encountered in graduate school. Those abilities include:1understanding the meaning of individual words/理解词义2understanding the meaning of individual sentences/理解句意3understanding the meaning of paragraphs and larger bodies of text/理解段落及篇章的意义4distinguishing between minor and major points/区分细节与主旨5summarizing a passage/概括段落
6drawing conclusions from the information provided/从已有信息当中推出结论7reasoning from incomplete data, inferring missing information/从已有信息当中推出缺失信息8understanding the structure of a text, how the parts relate to one another/理解文章结构和各部分之间关系9identifying the author’s perspective/判断作者的视角aidentifying the author’s assumptions/判断作者的假设banalyzing a text and reaching conclusions about it/从文本中得出结论cidentifying strengths and weaknesses/判断论证的优点与缺陷
【考托福是干什么用的 为什么用做托福阅读的方法答不出GRE高分】今天我们先通过两道题目来了解能力1和2考察的具体展现形式,希望能够帮助伙伴们迅速理解这项考试的策略,并寻找合适的应对方案 。
1understanding the meaning of individual words/理解词义显然会出现在词汇题当中 。与很多同学可能熟悉的TOEFL词汇题不同,我们都知道TOEFL词汇题的做法是不带回原文直接选词义,更多考察的是词汇量本身,而不是词汇在语境中的含义;GRE的词汇题更需要大家能够根据上下文推断词义 。比如:A critical consensus has emerged that Mary McCarthy will be remembered primarily as an essayist rather than as a novelist. But despite her formidable gifts as a polemical and discursive writer, and for all her reputation as an intellectual who sacrificed feeling to intelligence, what powers McCarthy’s best essays are her fictional rather than strictly intellectual gifts. She makes her points by telling stories or by way of vivid description, arresting images and subtle characterization. And for all her exacting sense of fact, McCarthy’s greatest contribution was to blur the distinctions between different kinds of prose writing: to show how fiction could be opened up to the thinking mind and how essays could profit from the techniques of fiction.In the context in which it appears, “discursive” most nearly meansA. ProlificB. SophisticC. RamblingD. AnalyticalE. Circuitous答案:D
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