Beijing is an old capital of long history and culture, and those time-honored firms in Beijing have undergone centenary vicissitudes which are incorporated in it. The ups and downs of them are no better a proof of rule of commodity economy. As its name suggests those firms are the famous-brand manufacturers, shops and products. Beijing Wuyutai Tea Company is one of those time-honored brands with more than 100 years" history. In different historical periods, Wuyutai struggled to the front of China"s time-honored brand through tough efforts. How to seize the opportunity, meet the challenge and succeed in economic reform?
- 碧水丹山岩茶香——武夷茶史话
- 中华茶人的楷模——贺张天福茶学研究会成立并忆张天福若干事迹
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- 从传统造型走向现代设计——浅谈紫砂茶壶传统造型对现代产品设计的启示
- 葵涌有“好景”“好景”更好景——香港葵涌“好景”茶餐厅试食记
- 连锁机构 质量包装两并重——“天茗”茶业采访记
- 乐甜茶香——七款茶境撩人的MP3随身听
- 家庭养花百问百答——木本篇
- 一 万病之药 妙用无穷——巧用茶叶防治畜禽病验方偏方集锦
- 二十二 茶诗谈趣——茶联漫话