The cotton wood fallin' like snow in JulySunset, riverside,four wheel drive and a tail light circleRoll down the windows, turn it on upPoor a little Crown in a Dixie cupGet the party, startedGirl you make my speakers go BOOM BOOMDancin' on the tailgate in a full moonThat kinda thing makes a man go mhmm mhmmYou're lookin' so good inwhat's left of those blue jeansDrip of honey on the money maker gotta beeThe best buzz I'm ever gonna find..I'm a little drunk on you,and high on summertimeWell if you ain't a ten, you're a 9.9Tippin' and spillin'that homemade wine on your tied-up, tshirtEvery little kiss is drivin me wild,throwin little cherry bombs into my fireGood God al-mightyGirl you make my speakers go BOOM BOOMDancin' on the tailgate in a full moonThat kinda thing makes a man go mhmm mhmmYou're lookin' so good inwhat's left of those blue jeansDrip of honey on the money maker gotta beeThe best buzz I'm ever gonna find..I'm a little drunk on you,and high on summertimeSo, let's slip on out,where it's a little bit darkerAnd when it gets a little bit hotterWe'll take off on out in the waterGirl you make my speakers go BOOM BOOMDancin' on the tailgate in a full moonThat kinda thing makes a man go mhmm mhmmYou're lookin' so goodin what's left of those blue jeansDrip of honey on the money maker gotta beeThe best buzz I'm ever gonna find..Hey, I'm a little drunk on you,and high on summertimeYeah, I'm a little drunk on you
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