所以 , 睡眠的有如此多的好处 , 你还会在睡觉之前放不下手机 , 刷着没有营养的社交圈么?到不如 , 快些放开手机 , 电脑 , 把今天觉得最重要的信息在脑子里过一遍 , 然后睡个“好”觉啦 。
最后 , 祝大家睡眠日快乐!
1.S.Diekelmann & J. Born, (2010) The Memory Function of Sleep, Nature, 11, 114-126
2.D.Oudiette & K. A. Paller (2013) Upgrading the Sleeping Brain with TargetedMemory Reactivation, Trs in CognitiveSciences, 17(3), 142-149.
3.T.Schreiner & B. Rasch (2014) Boosting Vocabulary Learning by Verbal CueingDuring Sleep, Cerebral Cortex, 6,1-11.
4.J. W.Antony, E. W. Gobel, J. K. O’Hare, P. J. Reber, & K. A. Paller (2012) CuedMemory Reactivation during Sleep Influences Skill Learning, Nature Neuroscience, 6, 1-6.
5.D. Oudiette, J. W. Antony, J. D. Creery, &K. A. Paller (2013), The Role of Memory Reactivation during Wakefulness andSleep in Determining Which Memories ure, TheJournal of Neuroscience, 33(15), 6672-6678.
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