“谁知道未来我会不会又变得更适合独身呢?”她跟我说 , “所以才要尽可能享受爱情 , 就像那时享受独身一样 。 人是会变的 , 而我也相信 , 糊口自己会因循您的转变 , 指导您走标的目的最适合的糊口体例 。 采取糊口带给您的 , 然后用尽全力好好享受就行啦!”
我将她的话 , 送给在读这篇文章的大师 。
DePaulo, B. M. (2007). Singled out: How singles are stereotyped, stigmatized, and ignored, and still live happily ever after. Macmillan.
DePaulo, B. (2015). Marriage vs. single life: How science and the media got it so wrong. Charleston, SC: Create Space.
Leary, M. R., Tambor, E. S., Terdal, S. K., & Downs, D. L. (1995). Self-esteem as an interpersonal monitor: the sociometer hypothesis. Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology, 68(3), 518–530.
Jackson, J. B. (2018). The ambiguous loss of singlehood: Conceptualizing and treating singlehood ambiguous loss among never-married adults. Contemporary Family Therapy, 40(2), 210-222.
以上内容就是为什么会“母胎单身”?这会使人产生哪些感受?的内容啦 , 希望对你有所帮助哦!
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