

A natural comedian from his early days performing in revueat the Edinburgh festival, Grant adopts an ironic tone about his work as well as his personal life.
在早期的爱丁堡艺术节讽刺小品中,格兰特已经展现出喜剧天才 。对工作和生活,他都极尽自嘲 。
英文翻译:cross talk
Our performances are different to theperformed in theatres, Li says.
我们的表演与剧场相声有所不同,他说 。
learn the moment self-control, rise beyond the bad habit how long discards so meeting again return; The cognition has arrived at the harmfulness indulging in the network . Know the significance queen who is used for note to attending a lecture . Be accustomed to loosening call for after forming , continue to have only get the mark not falling one day, become delirious with joy if fineSecondly
Prevention or punishment, which is better alternative in ensuring citizen safety?
In my opinion, prevention is clearly the better alternative in ensuring citizen safety. After all, if crimes could be successfully prevented, no one would ever get hurt, and there would be no need for punishment. Punishment is what takes place when prevention fails, and is therefore rendered useless when prevention succeeds. Thus, to ensure citizen safety, the best place to start is with prevention. Although prevention is much harder to implement than punishment, there are still many ways crime could be prevented. For example, policing hot spots, areas of known criminal activity, will help to decrease the number of criminal events in those areas. Also, community policing efforts can be made to capture known criminals, and secondary prevention techniques can be put into use: focusing on at risk situations such as youth who re dropping out of school or getting involved in gangs. All of these measures can reduce crime, and in the future, could possibly even prevent crime.
马来西亚相声约有50多年的活动史 。最早在本地舞台表演相声的艺人 是冯翔、白言和路丁等人 。他们在20世纪40~50年代间活跃于马新两地歌 舞团 。当时的相声是受了上海滑稽戏(又称独角戏)的影响,讲究说、学、 做、唱 。表演时形体动作夸张,与相声讲究说、学、逗、唱相近,只是内 容结构上严谨有别 。
在同时期,活跃于马来西亚、新加坡舞台的艺人还有郑秋子、黄秋萍、 韩非等人 。到了 20世纪60年代,黄福成、梁雅才、林俊堂、符史勤、何家雄等 人分别在首都、马六甲及槟城等地表演相声 。从70年代开始,本地文化团体的相声活动开始活跃起来 。吉隆坡剧艺 研究会、雪兰莪中华大会堂文教组、琼联剧社合唱团、琼青文艺团、马六 甲培风校友会、槟州青运青年剧团、怡保三德校友会、洪坤方、梁志成、 黄良友、郭绪益等都积极推动相声艺术 。
